
Ever since I was a young girl I have had a keen interest in the arts. Whether it was a need for a creative release, or the boredom that came with a life in the late 2000s without a phone or constant access to the internet, I have rarely lived a day without a pencil in hand. Drawing is something that I am vastly known for, no matter where I am or what class I am in I'm drawing. Even though I have always known that I would be going into the arts in my future, it was in college that I had the final push in the right direction towards illustration. Before this I was always in fineart classes, but everything I made had a highly illustrative look never something as grounded as fine arts usually looked. Once I had realised this was the direction I wanted to go in, my professional journey with my craft truly started.
Right now, the images I create are made mostly in the medium of comics. As far back as my creativity goes I have always made drawings to tell a story. These stories come in many forms whether they're my own stories or well known stories all from different origins. I want to use this interest combined with my skillset in story telling through images in my professional future in a meaningful way. To tell stories of people who struggle in order to bring attention to a cause, or whether I go into the field of graphic medicine, I know that I can use my work for good.
My practice is mainly digital based, but I experiment with traditional mediums such as printing or charcoal. I am visually interested in textures, such as a line made with a pencil or coloured as though it was done with crayons rather than on a screen. To further this I intend on continuing to experiment with my work to achieve the traditional textures when rendering all while using digital means.